Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Reation on Social Networking And Society

The advantage of having a socail network is good because you are able to connet with family and friends that you might not of seen for a longtime and catch up with them. Plus, you are able to create your own topic and join in social networking groups. I think the disadvantage is that you could get to much information out there for people to find out to much about a person.

People have done a lot to make the social networking to make things easy for everyone to use but, there are concerns on what should be on the site and who will see it never use a social securiy number to where that  could ruin your credit and will take a long time to get back.

I think a business would work out better with the social networking for they can put information about there company to boost there sales, use coupons, give out giveaways and so that you could fine employment for a certain position that is available. Plus, you can fine the good and the bad of the companys statis.

I would use social networking for when I will graduate and be able to let people know how I'm doing with what jobs will be available and find out more information on them.

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